-=ßLÅÇK ÐËÄTH v2.0=- k now you must be having problems installing eh!? Well here it goes... 1.* Go to your mIRC file (if you got one) and move all the files there and replace your existing ones... 1.*Part2* If you don't have mIRC go to: http://www.mirc.co.uk and download a version and repeat the same steps as above. 2.* Once your done with the above section go to the file named MAKE(works for 16bit mIRC versions only!!) this will copy your mIRC and will help you to use clones. 3.* Then log into your ISP(Internet Service Provider) and startup mIRC. 3.* Go to remote and check to see if REMOTE.INI is loaded if not click on load and select REMOTE.INI. 4.* Then go to ALIASES and check if ALIASES.INI is loaded if not go to load and select ALISES.INI. 5.* Thats it so like have fun and if you like it cool! but if not well i'll like to say to you thanx for trying it anyways!